Desire or tanha in Pali is an important thing to understand.
What is desire? Kama tanha is very easy to understand. This kind of desire is wanting sense pleasures through the body or the other senses and always seeking things to excite or please your senses - that is kama tanha. You can really contemplate: what is it like when you have desire for pleasure? For example, when you are eating, if you are hungry and the food tastes delicious, you can be aware of wanting to take another bite. Notice that feeling when you are tasting something pleasant; and notice how you want more of it. Don’t just believe this; try it out. Don’t think you know it because it has been that way in the past. Try it out when you eat. Taste something delicious and see what happens: a desire arises for more. That is kama tanha.
We also contemplate the feeling of wanting to become something. But if there is ignorance, then when we are not seeking something delicious to eat or some beautiful music to listen to, we can be caught in a realm of ambition and attainment - the desire to become. We get caught in that movement of striving to become happy, seeking to become wealthy; or we might attempt to make our life feel important by endeavouring to make the world right. So note this sense of wanting to become something other than what you are right now.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Its blog birthday month
happy birthday to blog,happy birthday to blog,happy birthday dear blogeee,happy birthday to you!Thank you to anyone who read my blog,and liked it!Peace to those who dont.I'm not just another pretty blogger,dammit.I have......fonts..fractals..friends..Lets have a drink and toast to another fine year of blogging the network news away!I mean,I'd much rather read about your childs new tooth,or your gut wrenching tale of infidelity,or even how you hate anything that is ever broadcast over that mind altering,attention grabbing,time wasting,subliminal box we grew up with ,also known as the boob tube!well,except football.And racing..and..and..see?They made us dependent on watching all that shit they been shoveling at us since gilligan's isle (manerd G Krebbs,or bob denver as was his real name, passed away last week if you hadent heard) God bless Gilligan..he finally got off this island!Thanks for making us smile all these years..
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
I fixed my truck
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Light unto Others
Know that the purpose for which each soul enters a material experience is that it may be as a light unto others; not as one boastful of self or of self's abilities in any phase of the experience, whether mental or material, but living, being in spirit that which is ideal and not idealistic alone, nor the unattainable.
For, as He hath given--if ye would know the Spirit, or God, search for Him; for happy ye will find Him.
Thus--in that consciousness of daily living and being that which is in keeping with the ideal--life and its problems becomes not a burden, but opportunities--for the greater expressions and expansions of self in knowing that as ye sow daily the fruit of the spirit, ye need not worry nor fret thyself as to its growth. God giveth the increase. Hence be not weary in well-doing.
Edgar Cayce Reading 641-6
For, as He hath given--if ye would know the Spirit, or God, search for Him; for happy ye will find Him.
Thus--in that consciousness of daily living and being that which is in keeping with the ideal--life and its problems becomes not a burden, but opportunities--for the greater expressions and expansions of self in knowing that as ye sow daily the fruit of the spirit, ye need not worry nor fret thyself as to its growth. God giveth the increase. Hence be not weary in well-doing.
Edgar Cayce Reading 641-6
Get Understanding
And as He has given, "In all thy getting, my Son, get understanding." This is putting proper emphasis in the proper places, and do not become sidetracked by things that would pertain to material or spiritual alone, or things of the body or things of the heavenly force. For you grow to heaven, you don't go to heaven. It is within thine own conscience that ye grow there. For there first must come peace and harmony within thy purpose, thy ideal, thy hopes, thy desires. Thy wishes even must be in harmony with thy ideal if you would make the experience in the earth of value to thee.
Edgar Cayce Reading 3409-1
Edgar Cayce Reading 3409-1
Saturday, September 03, 2005
The Calvery have Arrived
Today the national guard rolled into the hurricane affected areas and took control of a desperate situation for alot of poor people.I dont think anyone was prepared for anything of this scale.Alot of blame has to be shared by alot of those 35 agencys who take money and claim to be helping these people,when we all know they are usually helping themselves!I have some suggestions for these people..get a real people couldnt find your asshole's if your finger's were still stuck up them.I blame all of em,from city,to county,to state,gov,and fema,the whole lot of professional money wasters.Give those people who are without everything the jobs that will be created to rebuild the south,and give them some pride of sence of worth that comes with self relience!I wish I could help more,but the truth is,I'm strapped just trying to pay my own bills.And i'm sure i'm not the only working poor who hasen't had a vacation in years.I cant even afford to take my daughter camping.I'm not complaining,just please bury me face down when its all over..
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