Sunday, September 30, 2007

The Human Radio Review

by Joseph Sadony
WHAT’S “IN THE AIR”, from June 1934’s The Whisper—Vancourier to the Voice

We all possess a “human radio” as part of the marvelous organic equipment with which we have been endowed by the Creator; we possess it whether we know it or not, and whether we believe it or not. All of us use it in some degree, knowingly or unknowingly. It is a tragedy that men who could most benefit the world by its use, throw a monkey-wrench into their own machinery and have throughout history made it as difficult as possible for the most highly developed human radios to function without being stoned to death or thrown into a madhouse.

Ordinary radios have their own territory of reception, and amplify, at the will of their owners, any program being broadcasted at the time within those limits. To know what’s “on the air,” one need but to consult the various radio reviews, or the radio section of the daily paper. These assist one in tuning in to programs which otherwise he would never know were on the air unless he spent his entire time at the radio manipulating it from one end of the dial to the other, hearing only fragments of each program. But inasmuch as these programs have been designed and are being executed knowingly by men, their intentions can be scheduled and announced.

With the human radio, however, man can only listen in to what he is able to catch. All of Nature broadcasts continuously and permanently, retaining all history in her memory, and man, though its crowning blossom on earth, and the hands by means of which she may serve herself, is after all but a part of the Whole. He is the divine child that sprang from the union of the Creative Spirit that we call God with the body of material things that we call Nature. In this cocoon of mortal flesh a human soul is born, and man, seeing only the flesh, thinks that the birth of the soul is the end of all when it casts off its chrysalis, the human body, whose only purpose is as the shroud of incubation that insulates and preserves the individualized spec of Life until its transformation from a worm to a butterfly is complete.

Until then its wings cannot be used, but they are developing though unseen. And what would be the result if the butterfly refused to develop its wings because it could find no use for them in its cocoon? And it is thus with unseen, neglected faculties of the human mind, without which we would be as helpless after death as a butterfly without wings—faculties which have puzzled science because of the little practical use for them in this life as we know it. There is little real use, it seems, in the toys of children, but it is the children who play as if the world depended upon it with toys, who later wield tools and weapons as masters of men.

So if one cannot put it to definite, practical use at once, still it would behoove him to “play” with the human radio, developing his Intuition, Imagination and Memory into the powerful wings of freedom for the human soul which they are destined to be. But instead of “playing” with it, the “Game of Life,” man suffers with it, accepting conditions and “programs” without any effort to change them or get something better.

The air is full of programs for the human radio who will only tune in to them. For years I tuned my “dial’ from end to end to run the gamut of its possibilities, accepting griefs and joys alike, but now I tune in to well-tested programs upon which long experience has taught me I can depend for normal thinking and stability at the Fulcrum of life.

There is something lacking in the newspapers of today, something which in small measure I have been quietly trying to supply: a “Human Radio Review,” as it were, broadcasting a few fragments of what I have found, and continue to find “in the air,” a willing entertainer, comforter, helper or tantalizer of man, according to the adjustment of this own mechanism. He can become a wise man or a fool, a madman or a genius; the intricacies of all knowledge are at his disposal, or the simplicity of Wisdom, just as he desires or thinks.

To help others develop, perfect, adjust and atune their human radios is one of the main objects of my life. And in this connection, as time passes, I shall develop a “service” which might fittingly be called “The Human Radio(P)review”—calling attention to what’s “in the air” for the human radio that cares to listen, and making suggestions to help the readers tune out of uncomfortable programs into more beneficial ones aligned with human progress.

You may rest assured that the air is not completely filled with “sermons.” There is plenty of humor and entertainment, plenty of music to lift the soul above material clouds, or plunge it into the primitive earth. There is the breathtaking panorama of History, not as it is written, but as it was, and still is, in Nature’s all-seeing Memory. And there are the whispers and shadows of a limitless future offering us our choice of what it and we shall be.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Affirmations of Abundant Supply

Following are other power affirmations for abundant supply.
Choose the affirmations that feel appropriate to you --
those that resonate with you, or strike an emotional chord.
It is important that the words feel comfortable to you and
are in line with who you are. Feel free to create one for
your specific need by substituting other words that have
special meaning to you:

Affirmations of Abundant Supply:

* I am now open to receive.
* Life is easy, I have an abundance of whatever I need.
* I now have surplus, all my needs are being met.
* I have unlimited abundance.
* I now give and receive freely.
* This is a rich universe and there is plenty for all of us.
* I now live in a rich and loving universe.
* Money comes to me easily and effortlessly.
* I am always supplied with whatever I need.
* I move forward with an expectancy of my greatest good.
* I look for and receive a bountiful supply.
* My greatest good is coming to me NOW.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


Excerpt from Inscribed on the Believing Mind:

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no
When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear
and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth
are set infinitely apart.
If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or
against anything.
To set up what you like against what you dislike is the
disease of the mind.
When the deep meaning of things is not understood the mind's
essential peace is disturbed to no avail.
The Way is perfect like vast space when nothing is lacking
and nothing is in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that
we do not see the true nature of things.
Live neither in the entanglements of outer things nor in
inner feelings of emptiness.
Be serene in the oneness of things and such erroneous views
will disappear by themselves.

Saturday, September 01, 2007

learn to listen

Think on This ...

Depend more upon the intuitive forces from within and not harken so much to that of outside influences--but learn to listen to that still small voice from within, remembering as the lesson as was given, not in the storm, the lightning, nor in any of the loud noises as are made to attract man, but rather in the still small voice from within does the impelling influence come to life in an individual that gives for that which must be the basis of human endeavor; for without the ability to constantly hold before self the ideal as is attempted to be accomplished, man becomes one as adrift, pulled hither and yon by the various calls and cries of those who would give of this world's pleasure in fame, fortune, or what not. Let these be the outcome of a life spent in listening to the divine from within, and not the purpose of the life.

Edgar Cayce Reading 239-1