Monday, November 19, 2007

Wait Before Me in Silence

A Lesson on Learning.
A Thought Adjuster Transmission – August 5, 2004.
Wait before Me in the Silence. Allow a holy hush to fall upon you. When your own thoughts intrude, let them go by without them diverting your attention. Let it flow, let it flow. Give Me your total intent and attention. In the holy hush is My Presence, and I Am without time. There is never a time limit with Me.
You have now begun a deeper training, although it has always been the same. This training is designed to lead you deeper into yourself, and closer to Me. Yes, I know this sounds a bit like a contradiction, because I am closer than your hands and feet and closer than your breath. I exist within you, in My secret place, and yet to you I seem miles away. This is the reason why we embark on this venture; for you to learn, not only with your mind but also with your whole heart, that I am here.
I need you to understand, that I am a Part of God, a Creator Fragment so to speak, and I carry attributes of God in Me, which I am willing to share with you as soon as you show a readiness therefore.
All this has to do with spiritual growth, which is just as necessary for a human being as physical, mental and emotional growth is necessary for a newborn baby. So are humans new-born in spirit, and it is up to the parents to teach a child right from wrong at the earliest possible age. Then, at the very moment when the child makes its first independent conscious decision between right and wrong, a Fragment of God, called a Thought Adjuster, comes to indwell that human mind as a Spirit Helper.
From that very important moment on, the human being is never alone, as his or her Thought Adjuster struggles within to help grow and nurture the human soul. Once clarity dawns, and the human realizes that it possesses this great Gift of God, he or she has the option of cooperating with this Gift. It is the opportunity of the ages.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain Me—TA.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Listen with your Heart

Dear one, to develop your inner listening skills, your heart needs to be totally open and free of judgment.
Concentrate first and foremost on the hidden meaning of the words you hear in every conversation. The head always has the tendency to jump into the fray of a discussion, but it is far wiser to discern the hidden meanings. In doing so, you may well discover unspoken fears, grief and sorrows, for which you may offer a word of wisdom.
When spoken at the right moment, your words may cut through the outer veneer of bravado and loudness, and, perchance these words will lodge like little nuggets in the thirsting heart of another.
Always remember that the human heart is a very delicate instrument and easily wounded. Thoughtless words and actions can roll down the ages, to later manifest themselves as all sorts of mental, emotional, and physical illnesses.
As I told you before: “Thoughts held in mind, produce after their kind”, and “As above, so below”, as well as “What a man or woman sows, he or she also reaps”. This is the immutable Law of cause and effect. What goes up must come down.
This, My beloved, I desire for you to integrate, so you will grow more conscious and aware as to how you think, how you live, and how you speak.
You can only cultivate present-centered awareness through the practice of self-discipline, and by becoming more thoughtful about the feelings of others, even though their outward speech and actions tell you otherwise.
Each human heart is so delicate, and can so easily be broken. The world abounds with broken hearts, which can only be healed when Silence is cultivated, and the Peace and Rest of the Eternal God is experienced, as each heart discovers for itself, that, yes, it, too, is beloved of the Father in heaven.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Pray for more Love

In Love Lies Abundant Healing.
A Thought Adjuster Speaks – 164 – January 6, 2004.
Dear one, no path is too difficult to walk when Love reigns in your heart. When anger, resentment and other harmful and poisonous thoughts reign, or when they creep back in, turn those out at once, for they perpetuate bad habits and clutter the heart with negativity.
I have told you before that the heart is the real mind of the body, and that the brain is merely the computer, albeit a very important piece of complicated machinery. Yet it only acts on the thoughts held in the heart/mind, which produce after their kind.
Furthermore, the heart is the main engine in the body and therefore a most elegant and delicate instrument, and anything that clutters this amazing life-giving force, which is ultimately powered by Spirit-Energy, is harmful.
It is very unkind and unjust to have less than positive and loving thoughts ‘greasing’ the heart, so to speak.
Love is the true Key, which feeds and heals the heart, and makes it beat at its greatest efficiency. See to it that you use self-discipline in controlling and perfecting your thoughts.
Yes, I know that many a heart has suffered and is suffering grief from either the loss of a loved one, or unkind and harsh words from others. A heart can feel demoralized through the actions of others. Also, the owner’s stubbornness, and negative thinking can harm the heart.
Dear one, remember that the heart does not attack, the owner does. Also, one needs to take the genetic make-up and lifestyle into consideration.
Remember always, that Love heals a heart faster than any chemical medicine. Emotions play a huge role, and need to be looked at and taken care of.
In Love lies abundant healing.
Pray for more love, for self and others.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain Me—TA.

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Less than a Mote

Think on This ...

For the entity, as each soul, is a portion of the whole. Thus, though a soul may be as but a speck upon the earth's environs, and the earth in turn much less than a mote in the universe, if the spirit of man is so attuned to the Infinite, the music of harmony becomes as the divine love that makes for the awareness in the experience of the Creative Forces working with self for the knowledge of the associations with same.

Edgar Cayce Reading 1469-1