Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Monday, October 27, 2008
The Problem with Society
The Major Problems With Society
1) Egotism-
The assumption among the older generation(s), (40-60+ years) is that by virtue of age, some implicit respect and special consideration is due. This attitude seems to be a leftover from a long-faded age of human history, one that originated the phrase, “respect your elders”. In times past, our “elders” were in fact those people in the tribe or community which held the most wisdom. “Elders” were usually composed of the elderly, and the elderly were a repository for a lifestyle that reflected the practical and profound wisdom of nature, (right living). In today’s world there is no such thing as an “elder” for the most part. There is only a great deal of “do as I say, but not as I do”. Instead of growing wiser, the majority of today’s elderly simply grow weaker, embittered and more deluded. In evaluating the current condition of the world, and the mental and physical state of this generation, no such respect or special consideration is due. Respect is not automatic it is earned, and the youth of today give all the respect to the older generations which they have earned, (which is for the most part, none whatsoever). A destroyed world that is the inheritance of the youth of today is not respectable. Neither is the hypocrisy and arrogance of those currently in charge of the status quo, who have destroyed it. Greed and arrogance are the legacy left today by the older generations. It is they who, in their ignorance and a “selling out” of what the soul knows to be correct, have worked for the obtaining of material wealth over all other things, including health, happiness, wisdom and right living.
2) Examining the cause of the world problem-
The cause of crime, is not the supposed lack of disciplinary measures inflicted by the legal system upon criminals and youth. Crime does not occur because society has a supposed lack of police officers, prisons, “boot camps”, judges and youth, (slave) labor facilities. The cause of crime is society itself, as provoked by the corruption and insanity of government, the court system, politics, the educational system, the medical, (AMA) paradigm and the primitive egotism of a primitive humanity. It is not youth that is at fault, nor is it minorities or other specific classes of persons who are responsible for rising violent crime. Rising violent crime is a symptom of the disease of decadent materialism, with which humanity is terminally infected. It is a symptom of the decay of society, in the inner and outer destruction of what is wholesome and natural.
What we witness at the turning of the millennium, are the beginning days of the extinction of mankind, with the possible exception of those few who recognize, that the human species has gone mad en masse, and who have the dedication to truth that is evidenced above all other priorities.
3) The changing of the system-
Our corrupt society cannot and will not be changed through political reform or social reformation. An insane public will always generate an insane governing body, regardless of the economic philosophy used, or the name of the political party which organizes it. Our crisis is a matter of inner strife, unnaturalness and division, which is reflected by the outer world. Our malady is found in the diseased state of individual and world consciousness, and it cannot be cured through the institution of outer forms. To do so is comparable to placing a bandage over a wound that comes from within. At best this is only a temporary and misguided measure, one that does not address the cause of the injury. Only an inner revolution can sustain an outer transformation of society. Corruption cannot cure corruption. Only the face of corruption changes, not its essential intention. Political or social reform is only a matter of agenda change, and such change, so long as materialism exists, can only be had in terms defined by lies and deceptions. Hypocrisy is rampant in the modern world, because the values of society are either lies or based upon lies. The greatest lie ever told by our age, is the assertion by the average person that they are doing good, spiritual works for the sake of Earth and humanity, while still worshipping the egotistical dollar and all the facades it can buy. Lifestyle is the surest and most honest testimony to the reality behind public action.
The public lifestyle we witness is a matter of sheer self-indulgence, mental and physical disease, and a progressively deadened environment for the sake of so-called, “conveniences” and “luxuries”. This is not the information age, it is the Age of Denial, the darkest period of human history ever known. We are not evolving or “progressing”, we are devolving into a state of entropy and stupidity so profound, that it will eventually wipe out all advanced life on Earth, if it continues unchecked. Public action is hypocritical because it is based upon the secreted guilt of a deceitful, artificialized, spoiled-rotted child known as Homo Sapiens. Conveniences and luxuries are the emotional mainstay of a plastic coated, indulgent public, and their social contribution to the world is motivated primarily for the sake of alleviating that nagging guilt within, while in reality ensuring that indulgence and comforts are maintained at all costs. Our citizens placate their own deep-seated feelings of wrongdoing in the name of “success”, through various trite and ultimately inconsequential acts. This they call “doing their part”. The $50 contribution to the Audubon Society, the recycling of a few glass containers and newspapers, and a few letters written to the editor of a local newspaper, and all daily sins are thereby absolved, or at least so the story goes. Yet lifestyle continues to destroy all. Public speeches are given, and individuals assert to themselves that good is being done, when in fact they are not truly interested in what is actually good and worthwhile. They are not willing to spend the time or energy in gaining self-knowledge, nor knowledge of the natural laws which they break every day. The public cares only for what is personally pleasurable and comfortable, as defined by a society which considers the dollar God. For the majority of people today, their wrong-doings and greed will only cease when environmental conditions force them to reevaluate their style of living.
4) Very low expectations;
It is commonly expected and assumed, that the human condition is miserable by nature. It is thought that there is ultimately nothing that can be done about this, other than following governmental or institutional orders. The concept that daily life is not and can never be perfect, or even truly happy, is the norm to which we are expected to apply in every life decision. We are told that “you can’t change the world overnight”, (“overnight” is a term that can mean either 24 hours or 24 decades interchangeably) or that “the system, (ignorance) can’t be changed, except through ‘due process’”, or “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em” etc. Such thinking is the intent through which society justifies its own lack of responsibility, for itself, today. As a world community we have therefore set our sights on a very low mark, calling this “realism”, while our efforts for global reform reflect nothing but pessimism, contained within placating political speeches. These low standards are to a very large extent what is directly responsible for continuing global destruction. The “business as usual”, “I was only doing what I was told”, and “We’re doing it this way because that’s the way it has always been done”, are the politically correct excuses made by persons who really don’t care after all. Our species no longer has the luxury of spending another 100-500 years in debating the inadequacies of the human condition, because our planet has almost been destroyed, now, this day. We will be lucky in fact, to last another 50 years, without major upheavals and mass death, spread like an apocalyptic plague upon every continent and city of the world.
We the people, must take every measure necessary to empower ourselves, starting from within and working outwards. If this ultimately includes armed revolution and well-coordinated anarchy, to throw down the machine of death and the governments and corporations which support it, then so be it. We must insist upon the reestablishment of just self government. Regardless of what we are told by the corporate owned media, the people do not need, nor do they truly desire to be programmed by an insane educational system. Nor can the public continue to afford to live by the false concept of “success”, that has brought us to the brink of extinction. Modern life does not reflect success, it reflects agony and death on a mass scale. Anyone who says otherwise is either a coward or a naïve fool. Those who willingly continue to participate in the materialistic death machine, while knowing full well of the consequences, are a cancer and plague upon all that is natural and naturally good.
5) Responsibility for our monuments to greed-
Our lavish, and for the most part physically unnecessary homes, businesses, amusement parks, supermarkets, new automobiles, yachts, jetliners, weapons of war, armies and governments, are but monuments to greed and insanity. We do not build so much for the sake of need or practical value, but for the sake of unquenchable, unreasoning, egotistical, murdering greed. In our madness we like to “show off”, personally and collectively. We murder each other and the Earth to build such monuments, calling this, “protecting our interests”. Through these structures and institutions we demonstrate our unsatisfactory lack of wisdom, and thus our lack of fitness for continued survival. In essence, we have not understood the spiritual purpose of life. We have lived by materialism and we shall die by materialism, as a payment for our crimes against God and Nature. Taking personal responsibility for these facts, implies the unavoidable need for the outright and total rejection, of the values and norms of society. It also implies the outright and total acceptance of spiritual purposes and natural laws as demonstrated in daily affairs. Only by returning to God and Nature, can any person realistically expect true redemption from the extremely negative karma, accumulated thus far by humanity. This is true regardless of professed beliefs or organized religious practices. Truth alone must remain our highest focus, seven days a week, throughout every facet of life.
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Monday, October 20, 2008
Does this Path have heart?
I have told you that to choose a path you must be free from fear and ambition. The desire to learn is not ambition. It is our lot as men to want to know.
The path without a heart will turn against men and destroy them. It does not take much to die, and to seek death is to seek nothing.
For me there is only the traveling on the paths that have a heart, on any path that may have a heart. There I travel, and the only worthwhile challenge for me is to traverse its full length. And there I travel--looking, looking, breathlessly.
The teachings of don Juan
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
You are the Master
The greatest Scam
The greatest scam was the love that you denied yourself when you forgot who you are. You travelled through your life believing you were alone. You prayed for deliverance from your own persecution. You attached worth and meaning to that which is transitory. You mistreated the Earth when the Earth didn’t mistreat you. Your powers were depleted because your awareness was stuck in limbo. You thought you had to work hard for your money when your money didn’t work hard for you.You were lost....and now your found?
Now you take due care of where and who you give your energy to. Now you know your last name is Love and your first name is One. Now you realise your true possibilities. Now you reunite with old friends and will remember the memories. Your timing is to perfection. Your judgment resides in your heart, your heart connects you to creator, creator connects you to all. You shine because you are free, you are free because you shined. You followed the master down to the shore he told you... “YOU are the master!” and to follow no more. Now that you have your wings, do you still find yourself in a flap? or maybe you defied science and left the 3D trap. Many gifts now descend and have arrived at your feet. Your need will be to ground them, then you may taste their treats. Unified in consciousness as we always were. Unified in Love is how we’ll change the world. Your true hand is about to show. The world will know you for the good you do, not the good you could/would or should do. So this ‘scam’ it was a good one....it caused us all to think, it told us we were separate as a way to make us link. Now I see that you remember as you love yourself to death, the scam is now but over....congratulations, you passed the test.
Monday, October 06, 2008
Chant of Metta
The Chant of Metta Text
Aham avero homi
May I be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjho homi
May I be free from mental suffering
anigha homi
May I be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharami
May I take care of myself happily
Mama matapitu
May my parents
acariya ca natimitta ca
teacher relatives and friends
sabrahma - carino ca
fellow Dhamma farers
avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily
Imasmim arame sabbe yogino
May all meditators in this compound
avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily
Imasmim arame sabbe bhikkhu
May all monks in this compound
samanera ca
novice monks
upasaka - upasikaya ca
laymen and laywomen disciples
avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily
Amhakam catupaccaya - dayaka
May our donors of the four supports: clothing, food, medicine and lodging
avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
May they take care of themselves happily
Amhakam arakkha devata
May our guardian devas
Ismasmim vihare
in this monastery
Ismasmim avase
in this dwelling
Ismasmim arame
in this compound
arakkha devata
May the guardian devas
avera hontu
be free from enmity and danger
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily
Sabbe satta
May all beings
sabbe pana
all breathing things
sabbe bhutta
all creatures
sabbe puggala
all individuals (all beings)
sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)
sabbe itthoyo
may all females
sabbe purisa
all males
sabbe ariya
all noble ones (saints)
sabbe anariya
all worldlings (those yet to attain sainthood)
sabbe deva
all devas (deities)
sabbe manussa
all humans
sabbe vinipatika
all those in the four woeful planes
avera hontu
be free from enmity and dangers
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily
Dukkha muccantu
May all being be free from suffering
Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their own Kamma
Purathimaya disaya
in the eastern direction
pacchimaya disaya
in the western direction
uttara disaya
in the northern direction
dakkhinaya disaya
in the southern direction
purathimaya anudisaya
in the southeast direction
pacchimaya anudisaya
in the northwest direction
uttara anudisaya
in the northeast direction
dakkhinaya anudisaya
in the southwest direction
hetthimaya disaya
in the direction below
uparimaya disaya
in the direction above
Sabbe satta
May all beings
sabbe pana
all breathing things
sabbe bhutta
all creatures
sabbe puggala
all individuals (all beings)
sabbe attabhava - pariyapanna
all personalities (all beings with mind and body)
sabbe itthoyo
may all females
sabbe purisa
all males
sabbe ariya
all noble ones (saints)
sabbe anariya
(those yet to attain sainthood)
sabbe deva
all devas (deities)
sabbe manussa
all humans
sabbe vinipatika
all those in the 4 woeful planes
avera hontu
be free from enmity and dangers
abyapajjha hontu
be free from mental suffering
anigha hontu
be free from physical suffering
sukhi - attanam pariharantu
may they take care of themselves happily
Dukkha muccantu
May all beings be free from suffering
Yattha-laddha-sampattito mavigacchantu
May whatever they have gained not be lost
All beings are owners of their own kamma
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence
adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane
samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe
ye satta pathavicara
whatever beings that move on earth
abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence
adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane
samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe
ye satta udakecara
whatever beings that move on water
abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger
Uddham yava bhavagga ca
As far as the highest plane of existence
adho yava aviccito
to as far down as the lowest plane
samanta cakkavalesu
in the entire universe
ye satta akasecara
whatever beings that move in air
abyapajjha nivera ca
may they are free of mental suffering and enmity
nidukkha ca nupaddava
and from physical suffering and danger.