Wednesday, April 29, 2009

spirit energy

Scribbles 90 from Lytske.
A series of messages from mostly unknown Teachers – June 2, 1999.
Child, allow the free flow of Spirit energy flow through you, so you will learn to discern some answers in your mind. I say some, because most answers await your future unfoldment in eternity.
Remember that you are already living in eternity, but only in a tiny segment called time. The door to the beyond, from mortality to immortality, is through the material dissolution of the mortal habiliment.
For spirit, once given life in a mortal, does not and cannot die, for it is eternal. As it is from Me and of Me, My Spirit is growing your soul by gently nudging you.
My Being in you is Higher than the energy you speak of, but it is part of Me, for it is of God, through Whom everything is created, by the method of evolution in space and time.
Energy is the vehicle and the means for you to move in and unfold. I nudge you gently into a greater awareness in this unfolding.
I notice that this insight is new for you, for this thought of having so much assistance never occurred to you. I am a Spark of the eternal Creator God, which is bestowed on every normal thinking mortal, when the first moral decision arises in the human mind, usually between the ages of five and seven years.
You very early made that decision, as you will remember, and you felt that great feeling of comfort shortly thereafter, and also the thought of having no fear of thunderstorms, because somehow you knew that you were protected.
Let us grow together child, you in Me and I in you -- A partnership for all eternity.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.

Take Love

Today’s lesson is on love. There is much to say about love, for it is the very essence of all things, and it truly could not be described in its entirety in words, songs, or the arts, yet it is the one thing that inspires truth, beauty, and goodness. Love is as infinite as the Creator himself -- it is the only real thing of value, the very construct of all reality and relationships between personalities. Love is all that truly matters, for everything else will pass away.
“What is it that we are truly searching for today my beloved? What is it that we busy our selves with, going to and fro, here and there, learning, working, playing, creating, building our careers? We do all these things day in and day out, and the years pass by very quickly, but then do we stop for a moment and take inventory of our past? For when we do, what things boil up to the surface -- the things of love in our life? They are those precious moments that we cherish -- your first kiss; those intimate relationships with individuals that touched you on a deep and profound level; the kindness of strangers that helped you when you were in need; holding your newborn child for the first time; on and on goes the mind as it recalls the memory of the highest value meanings and feelings in your life.
“These are the things of love that will survive eternity -- these are survival value soul building moments and they become a part of your morontia self. Everything else will pass away. So you see how important these things are and yet they make up a very small amount of your living moments in life. The illusion of the material world and the pursuit of material things distract us from the most important things in life -- the pursuit of love; the giving and the receiving of love; to make a connection with someone on a soul level; to link hearts with your brothers and sisters in unconditional love.
“Step outside of yourself right now and take inventory of the important things of love in your life. Think about how you can make a difference and become one of those cherished memories in the life of one of your brothers or sisters. How beautiful it is to be apart of the soul memory of another human being and live forever in their eternal memory! Reach out and touch someone today, my beloved. This is the very meaning of what the master meant when he said, ‘Save your treasures in heaven, for there also will be your heart.’
“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
The 11:11 Progress Group.

Monday, April 27, 2009

545 People

By Charlie Reese

Politicians are the only people in the world who create problems and then campaign against them.

Have you ever wondered, if both the Democrats and the Republicans are against deficits, WHY do we have deficits?

Have you ever wondered, if all the politicians are against inflation and high taxes, WHY do we have inflation and high taxes?

You and I don't propose a federal budget. The president does.

You and I don't have the Constitutional authority to vote on appropriations. The House of representatives does.

You and I don't write the tax code, Congress does.

You and I don't set fiscal policy, Congress does.

You and I don' t control monetary policy, the Federal Reserve Bank does.

One hundred senators, 435 congressmen, one president, and nine Supreme Court justices 545 human beings out of the 300 million are directly, legally, morally, and individually responsible for the domestic problems that plague this country.

I excluded the members of the Federal Reserve Board because that problem was created by the Congress. In 1913, Congress delegated its Constitutional duty to provide a sound currency to a federally chartered, but private, central bank.

I excluded all the special interests and lobbyists for a sound reason. They have no legal authority. They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a president to do one cotton-picking
thing. I don' t care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes..

Those 545 human beings spend much of their energy convincing you that what they did is not their fault. They cooperate in this common con regardless of party.

What separates a politician from a normal human being is an excessive amount of gall. No
normal human being would have the gall of a Speaker, who stood up and criticized the President for creating deficits. The president can only propose a budget. He cannot force the Congress to accept it.

The Constitution, which is the supreme law of the land, gives sole responsibility to the House of Representatives for originating and approving appropriations and taxes. Who is the speaker of the House? Nancy Pelosi.
She is the leader of the majority party. She and fellow House members, not the president, can approve any budget they want. If the president vetoes it, they can pass it over his veto if they agree to.

It seems inconceivable to me that a nation of 300 million can not replace 545 people who stand convicted -- by present facts -- of incompetence and irresponsibility. I can't think of a single
domestic problem that is not traceable directly to those 545 people. When you fully grasp the plain truth that 545 people exercise the power of the federal government, then it must follow that what exists is what they want to exist.

If the tax code is unfair, it's because they want it unfair.

If the budget is in the red, it's because they want it in the red .

If the Army & Marines are in IRAQ, it's because they want them in IRAQ .

If they do not receive social security but are on an elite retirement plan not available to the people, it's because they want it that way.

There are no insoluble government problems.

Do not let these 545 people shift the blame to bureaucrats, whom they hire and whose jobs they can abolish; to lobbyists, whose gifts and advice they can reject; to regulators, to whom they give the power to regulate and from whom they can take this power. Above all, do not let them con you into the belief that there exists disembodied mystical forces like "the economy," "inflation," or "politics" that prevent them from doing what they take an oath to do.

Those 545 people, and they alone, are responsible.

They, and they alone, have the power.

They, and they alone, should be held accountable by the people who are their bosses.

Provided the voters have the gumption to manage their own employees.

We should vote all of them out of office and clean up their mess!

Charlie Reese is a former columnist of theOrlando Sentinel Newspaper.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

The Way

The believing mind

Excerpt from Inscribed on the Believing Mind:

The Great Way is not difficult for those who have no
When love and hate are both absent everything becomes clear
and undisguised.
Make the smallest distinction, however, and heaven and earth
are set infinitely apart.
If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or
against anything.
To set up what you like against what you dislike is the
disease of the mind.
When the deep meaning of things is not understood the mind's
essential peace is disturbed to no avail.
The Way is perfect like vast space when nothing is lacking
and nothing is in excess.
Indeed, it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that
we do not see the true nature of things.
Live neither in the entanglements of outer things nor in
inner feelings of emptiness.
Be serene in the oneness of things and such erroneous views
will disappear by themselves.