Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Moments in Time

All these moments will be lost in time,
like tears in rain.

Friday, October 14, 2005

The Ascension Realisation

The Ascension Realisation
The ascension realisation is about the upliftment of the individual and the planet as a whole. The Earth requires to move to a new vibration, as does the human race. This new vibration is one of love. This love has no limits or no boundaries, it is unconditional love, it is given freely and accepted freely with no strings attached. What we find ourselves in at the moment is the transition period between two destinations. As said we are on the move to a new vibration but there is baggage in this present reality that is no longer useful in the new one we are creating hence we are letting go. The old ways are crumbling and the new is just finding its feet. The structures of power are changing. To the undeveloped eye it may seem that nothing is afoot yet the rumblings and quakes have already begun. The people and this Earth are truly operating as One being...we all take birth from the One source...there is no separation in the act of creation. As we transform our lives the Earth transforms hers and as she exorcises her ghosts she gives us the opportunity to do so also. The ascension is about taking your power back and using it for the good of the whole. We are connected to every intricate facet of each other whether we choose to accept it or not. Every action/reaction we make is linked to all of us in one way or another. As you learn to transform your old issues through love, you also give the ability to the world to transform that issue through love. The Earth has a global library and we all have access to its books and wealth of knowledge, now everytime someone transforms or conquers a limiting situation a new book is written and added to the library, everyone and anyone has access to the lessons learnt within that as a whole we all just benefited from the work of one soul transforming an aspect of their life. Since many issues are now facing us for clearing many millions of books are being added to this library and with the addition of more books comes the acquisition of more knowledge, more knowledge of our truth...thus we are ascending, we are waking up together.

Worked on this Church this week..Nice old Craftmanship.
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Friday, October 07, 2005

Is this the guantanamo genius?

wicked witch of the south
Maybe somebody will drop a house on her!

Presidents Bush touring the flood zone
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