Friday, September 19, 2008

Pearls of Perfection

Moments, miniscule moments, can be and often are, pearls of perfection.
These secret, joyful, worshiping moments of the joy of eternal life are the wonders that are unfolding. The moments of deep peace and contentment are all building-blocks to perfection.
The ‘being’ perfect is the secret, not the ‘doing’ of perfect things. The outer always is the reflection of the inner.
God speaks in the inner silence. Allow Him to speak more often, and your heart will start to sing, and then the throat will open. It is a wonderful journey. Take time to commune with the Father.
Stilling the mind in meditation allows the mind to be prepared, so the Father may be heard. So often when He wishes to speak, there is no one at home, or the mind is cluttered with other thoughts so there is no room left.
Abolish al manner of negative thinking. Dwell upon the goodness, the truth and beauty of life. Focus and intent will discipline your thoughts.
Continue on your path with renewed inspiration.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Swimming in an ocean of energy

You have now begun to sharpen your ‘instrument’ in service to the Master. He has imparted to you that you have always been preparing for the work you have been doing, are doing now, and will continue doing -- helping others the way you know how, and according to your light. Now you are realizing a greater light. Actually, you realize that this light extends to the throne of God; the Eternal Presence, the First Source and Center, from which everything goes forth, and to which everything returns.
You are becoming conscious of the fact that you are ‘swimming’ in an ocean of energy, that you are a part of this energy, and that everything is connected in oneness. It only appears fragmented because of all the different belief systems. Energy is just that – energy – and although it takes on different shapes and forms, it still retains its connection to Source. Even now you are becoming more aware of its flow.
Study it, realize it, work with it, understand it, cooperate with it, and so use it to the greater benefit, first for yourself, and then for the highest good of all others. Clear your perceived blocks, and in doing so you are helping others, which truly represents the upliftment of the planet. Just a word of caution here, everyone is on their personal path, and each and everyone can only clear within themselves to the degree they are ready. The watchword here is unconditionally.
It is the free will of the human that decides if and when he or she is ready to let go of their core beliefs.
Your function will be to be the doorway through which they can glimpse a greater reality of themselves, just like you have been shown by others, whom the Master has placed upon your path, as He continues to place way-showers upon your path. Your responsibility lies in sharpening your instrument of understanding through practice and gathering knowledge in your chosen field of energy application.
So play and hear Heaven’s music in the Master’s orchestra, and focus with intend upon His baton.
© 11:11 Progress Group.