Sunday, December 26, 2004

12 steps to Enlightenment
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Thursday, December 23, 2004

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Which Mask is Real?
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Meditation helps us to find our true purpose in life. It is only through going within that we find out who we truly are. Many times in this day and age we are caught up, rushing from one thing to another, and we miss the whole point of being here on this earth. We get caught up in survival mode, and forget that we are eternal beings who are here at this time to learn the lessons our souls chose to learn.

Earth is like a schoolroom. Each of us learns by the elimination of our more negative natures. That is, a person may learn not to kill, but he has not yet learnt the lessons of anger or hatred, so he chooses to come back to learn to love instead of hate. Another may have learnt not to kill or hate, but has come back to learn not to steal or deprive another. He may have chosen to have things taken from him, so that he can learn what it is like to be stolen from. These are very basic examples. Life is very complicated and complex and no two cases are ever alike. We create what we need to learn, in basic form, before we enter this physical existence and because of our free will choices, there are many different ways we can learn our lessons. If we do not learn one way, another way will present itself. And if we don't learn this particular lifetime, there is another lifetime, and another, in which to learn.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

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Monday, December 20, 2004

A Christmas Story

A Christmas Story

Bobby was getting cold sitting out in his back
yard in the snow. Bobby didn't wear boots; he
didn't like them and anyway he didn't own any.
The thin sneakers he wore had a few holes in them
and they did a poor job of keeping out the cold.

Bobby had been in his backyard for about an
hour already. And, try as he might, he could not
come up with an idea for his mother's Christmas
gift. He shook his head as he thought, "This is
useless, even if I do come up with an idea, I
don't have any money to spend."

Ever since his father had passed away three
years ago, the family of five had struggled. It
wasn't because his mother didn't care or try,
there just never seemed to be enough. She worked
nights at the hospital, but the small wage that
she was earning could only be stretched so far.

What the family lacked in money and material
things, they more than made up for in love and
family unity. Bobby had two older and one younger
sister who ran the house hold in their mother's
absence. All three of his sisters had already
made beautiful gifts for their mother. Somehow it
just wasn't fair. Here it was Christmas Eve
already, and he had nothing.

Wiping a tear from his eye, Bobby kicked the snow
and started to walk down to the street where the
shops and stores were. It wasn't easy being six
without a father, especially when he needed a man
to talk to. Bobby walked from shop to shop,
looking into each decorated window. Everything
seemed so beautiful and so out of reach.

It was starting to get dark and Bobby reluctantly
turned to walk home when suddenly his eyes caught
the glimmer of the setting sun's rays reflecting
off of something along the curb. He reached down
and discovered a shiny dime. Never before has
anyone felt so wealthy as Bobby felt at that

As he held his new-found treasure, a warmth
spread throughout his entire body and he walked
into the first store he saw. His excitement
quickly turned cold when the salesperson told him
that he couldn't buy anything with only a dime.
He saw a flower shop and went inside to wait in

When the shop owner asked if he could help him,
Bobby presented the dime and asked if he could
buy one flower for his mother's Christmas gift.
The shop owner looked at Bobby and his ten-cent
offering. Then he put his hand on Bobby's
shoulder and said to him, "You just wait here and
I'll see what I can do for you."

As Bobby waited, he looked at the beautiful
flowers and even though he was a boy, he could
see why mothers and girls liked flowers. The
sound of the door closing as the last customer
left, jolted Bobby back to reality.

All alone in the shop, Bobby began to feel alone
and afraid. Suddenly the shop owner came out and
moved to the counter. There, before Bobby's eyes,
lay twelve long stem, red roses with leaves of
green and tiny white flowers all tied together
with a big silver bow.

Bobby's heart sank as the owner picked them up
and placed them gently into a long white box.
"That will be ten cents young man." the shop
owner said reaching out his hand for the dime.
Slowly, Bobby moved his hand to give the man his
dime. Could this be true? No one else would give
him a thing for his dime!

Sensing the boy's reluctance, the shop owner
added, "I just happened to have some roses on
sale for ten cents a dozen. Would you like them?"
This time Bobby did not hesitate, and when the
man placed the long box into his hands, he knew
it was true.

Walking out the door that the owner was holding
for Bobby, he heard the shop keeper say, "Merry
Christmas, son, and may God bless you" As he
returned inside, the shop keeper's wife walked
out. "Who were you talking to back there, and
where are the roses you were fixing?"

Staring out the window and blinking the tears
from his own eyes, he replied, "A strange thing
happened to me this morning."

"While I was setting up things to open the shop,
I thought I heard a voice telling me to set aside
a dozen of my best roses for a special gift. I
wasn't sure at the time whether I had lost my
mind or what, but I set them aside anyway. Then
just a few minutes ago, a little boy came into
the shop and wanted to buy a flower for his
mother with one small dime."

"When I looked at him, I saw myself, many years
ago. I too, was a poor boy with nothing to buy my
mother a Christmas gift. A bearded man, whom I
never knew, stopped me on the street and told me
that he wanted to give me ten dollars. When I saw
that little boy tonight, I knew who that voice
was, and I put together a dozen of my very best

The shop owner and his wife hugged each other
tightly and as they stepped out into the bitter
cold air, they somehow didn't feel cold at all.

May this story instill the spirit of Christmas
in you enough to pass this act along.

"Our past is neither an accident nor a mistake.

We have been where we needed to be, with the
necessary people. We can embrace our history,
with its pain, its imperfections, its mistakes,
even its tragedies.

It is uniquely ours; it was intended just for
us. Today, we are right where we need to be. Our
present circumstances are exactly as they need to
be, for now...."

Sunday, December 19, 2004

We Are Immortal

We are far more than our physical body as we now think of it. We are immortal. We live time and again, and each lesson is a very valuable lesson in facing ourselves and who we actually are. We are not the body. The body is our vehicle to carry us through this life experience. We can make it as pleasant or unpleasant as we choose, but in the end, we come to realise our own immortality, and the fact that we do go on. By releasing these feelings of fear, jealousy, hatred and hurt, we are coming into contact with our own immortality. We are letting the light of knowledge shine forth through our person. We are becoming light.

Fears are part of our illusion of time. If we could see life like the man in the plane, looking down at the little boat in the river, instead just looking at life from the limited perspective of the little man in the boat, not seeing where he was going or where he'd come from, we would be able to let go of some of our fears of things to come. All things have their time. Nothing is permanent. Only the Creator himself is unchangeable. Have no fear. This is a new beginning for you. Be of good cheer. Let your love flow outwards to everyone.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

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eye see you
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Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Awakening

The Awakening
A time comes in your life when you finally get it...when, in the midst of all your fears and insanity, you stop dead in your tracks and somewhere the voice inside your head cries out...ENOUGH!
Enough fighting and crying and blaming and struggling to hold on.
Then, like a child quieting down after a tantrum, you blink back your tears and begin to look at the world through new eyes.
This is your awakening.
You realize it's time to stop hoping and waiting for something to change, or for happiness, safety and security to magically appear over the next horizon.
You realize that in the real world there aren't always fairy tale endings, and that any guarantee of "happily ever after" must begin with you... and in the process a sense of serenity is born of acceptance.
You awaken to the fact that you are not perfect and that not everyone will always love, appreciate or approve of who or what you are... and that's OK. They are entitled to their own views and opinions.
You learn the importance of loving and championing yourself... and in the process a sense of new found confidence is born of self-approval.
You stop complaining and blaming other people for the things they did to you - or didn't do for you - and you learn that the only thing you can really count on is the unexpected.
You learn that people don't always say what they mean or mean what they say and that not everyone will always be there for you and that everything isn't always about you.
So, you learn to stand on your own and to take care of yourself... and in the process a sense of safety and security is born of self-reliance.
You stop judging and pointing fingers and you begin to accept people as they are and to overlook their shortcomings and human frailties... and in the process a sense of peace and contentment is born of forgiveness.
You learn to open up to new worlds and different points of view. You begin reassessing and redefining who you are and what you really stand for.
You learn the difference between wanting and needing and you begin to discard the doctrines and values you've outgrown, or should never have bought into to begin with.
ou learn that there is power and glory in creating and contributing and you stop maneuvering through life merely as a "consumer" looking for your next fix.
You learn that principles such as honesty and integrity are not the outdated ideals of a bygone era, but the mortar that holds together the foundation upon which you must build a life.
You learn that you don't know everything, it's not your job to save the world and that you can't teach a pig to sing. You learn that the only cross to bear is the one you choose to carry and that martyrs get burned at the stake.
Then you learn about love. You learn to look at relationships as they really are and not as you would have them be. You learn that alone does not mean lonely.
You stop trying to control people, situations and outcomes. You learn to distinguish between guilt and responsibility and the importance of setting boundaries and learning to say NO.
You also stop working so hard at putting your feelings aside, smoothing things over and ignoring your needs.
You learn that your body really is your temple. You begin to care for it and treat it with respect. You begin to eat a balanced diet, drink more water, and take more time to exercise.
You learn that being tired fuels doubt, fear, and uncertainty and so you take more time to rest. And, just as food fuels the body, laughter fuels our soul. So you take more time to laugh and to play.
You learn that, for the most part, you get in life what you believe you deserve, and that much of life truly is a self-fulfilling prophecy.
You learn that anything worth achieving is worth working for and that wishing for something to happen is different than working toward making it happen.
More importantly, you learn that in order to achieve success you need direction, discipline and perseverance. You also learn that no one can do it all alone, and that it's OK to risk asking for help.
You learn the only thing you must truly fear is fear itself. You learn to step right into and through your fears because you know that whatever happens you can handle it and to give in to fear is to give away the right to live life on your own terms.
You learn to fight for your life and not to squander it living under a cloud of impending doom.
You learn that life isn't always fair, you don't always get what you think you deserve and that sometimes bad things happen to unsuspecting, good people... and you learn not to always take it personally.
You learn that nobody's punishing you and everything isn't always somebody's fault. It's just life happening. You learn to admit when you are wrong and to build bridges instead of walls.
You learn that negative feelings such as anger, envy and resentment must be understood and redirected or they will suffocate the life out of you and poison the universe that surrounds you.
You learn to be thankful and to take comfort in many of the simple things we take for granted, things that millions of people upon the earth can only dream about: a full refrigerator, clean running water, a soft warm bed, a long hot shower.
Then, you begin to take responsibility for yourself by yourself and you make yourself a promise to never betray yourself and to never, ever settle for less than your heart's desire.
You make it a point to keep smiling, to keep trusting, and to stay open to every wonderful possibility.
You hang a wind chime outside your window so you can listen to the wind.
Finally, with courage in your heart, you take a stand, you take a deep breath, and you begin to design the life you want to live as best you can.

Author Unknown

Divine Wisdom Body

There are three skills that inspire, stabilize, and deepen the divine wisdom body: (1) visual attention or visualization, (2) symbolism or sacred body language, and (3) sacred pride -- being 110% identified and merged. Using these methods, we gain possession of our divine wisdom body, or as tradition says, "We steal the life-force of the buddhas."

So these methods bring about the spiritualization of the seductive, material world. Dematerialization often triggers deep-set psychological and ontological fears, such as the fear of extinction, the fear of emptiness, the fear of death, etc. It's likely at this stage that we will automatically defend and resist the process. This may manifest in the form of doubting the validity of the wisdom body, seeing it as escapist, as a pseudo-body, etc. These are the telltale signs of not knowing who we are in the moment. These are the very things that keep us trapped. Nothing is wrong with the theory of Lha sKu practice or with how we're doing it. Everything is actually working! It's just time to pay attention. Our Dharma vows obligate us to relate to these experiences so that we can find the gift and free ourselves limb by limb.

Sunday, December 12, 2004


Mandelbrot..The king Fractal
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Saturday, December 11, 2004

The Ascension Realisation

The ascension realisation is about the upliftment of the individual and the planet as a whole. The Earth requires to move to a new vibration, as does the human race. This new vibration is one of love. This love has no limits or no boundaries, it is unconditional love, it is given freely and accepted freely with no strings attached. What we find ourselves in at the moment is the transition period between two destinations. As said we are on the move to a new vibration but there is baggage in this present reality that is no longer useful in the new one we are creating hence we are letting go. The old ways are crumbling and the new is just finding its feet. The structures of power are changing. To the undeveloped eye it may seem that nothing is afoot yet the rumblings and quakes have already begun. The people and this Earth are truly operating as One being...we all take birth from the One source...there is no separation in the act of creation. As we transform our lives the Earth transforms hers and as she exorcises her ghosts she gives us the opportunity to do so also. The ascension is about taking your power back and using it for the good of the whole. We are connected to every intricate facet of each other whether we choose to accept it or not. Every action/reaction we make is linked to all of us in one way or another. As you learn to transform your old issues through love, you also give the ability to the world to transform that issue through love. The Earth has a global library and we all have access to its books and wealth of knowledge, now everytime someone transforms or conquers a limiting situation a new book is written and added to the library, everyone and anyone has access to the lessons learnt within that as a whole we all just benefited from the work of one soul transforming an aspect of their life. Since many issues are now facing us for clearing many millions of books are being added to this library and with the addition of more books comes the acquisition of more knowledge, more knowledge of our truth...thus we are ascending, we are waking up together.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Fishbowl of life
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Wednesday, December 08, 2004

The power that surrounds us

When scientific pantheists say WE REVERE THE UNIVERSE we are not talking about a supernatural being. We are talking about the way our senses and our emotions force us to respond to the overwhelming mystery and power that surrounds us.
We are part of the universe. Our earth was created from the universe and will one day be reabsorbed into the universe.
We are made of the same matter and energy as the universe. We are not in exile here: we are at home. It is only here that we will ever get the chance to see paradise face to face. If we believe our real home is not here but in a land that lies beyond death - if we believe that the numinous is found only in old books, or old buildings, or inside our head, or outside this reality - then we will see this real, vibrant, luminous world as if through a glass darkly.
The universe creates us, preserves us, destroys us. It is deep and old beyond our ability to reach with our senses. It is beautiful beyond our ability to describe in words. It is complex beyond our ability to fully grasp in science. We must relate to the universe with humility, awe, reverence, celebration and the search for deeper understanding - in many of the ways that believers relate to their God, minus the grovelling worship or the expectation that there is some being out there who can answer our prayers.

This overwhelming presence is everywhere inside you and outside you and you can never be separated from it.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Welcome to Fractals

Flying Monkeys
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Please feel free to use my art for personal enjoyment,but give credit to me if you publish any of my work ok?Thanks Muddnet all rights reserved...

Monday, November 29, 2004

Thoughts are Things

Many of our thoughts bear the edible fruit of wisdom and revelation, whereas some only bloom for the sake of delight. Others still, destroy all life through sheer self indulgence. The thoughtforms of social imagery and popular culture, all eventually suffer the fate of weeds along the wayside. What is considered unquestionable today, is soon cut down by the modern fascination for what is “new” and “different”. This is a fact that reflects the boredom inherent in materialism. Today’s attitudes will ultimately be ignored by the fickle judgments of history, or like weeds, be pulled up stem and all to provide growth for revolution. Only that which is of nature and the Truth it contains, will last for all time.

It is an ancient saying that “thoughts are things”, for they do indeed stream forth like living entities, to find haven in social habitats around the world. Ideas are lasting forces, and not only because they become known, recorded or memorized. They have lasting power in themselves, as thoughtforms, due to the fact that they are propelled and empowered by Intent. From a single idea, the whole of this world society in which we live may be changed forever. We may indeed move mountains with the stroke of a pen, and the flash of a neural chain.

Sunday, November 28, 2004

The cosmic evoloutionary purpose

By engaging the Cosmic Evolutionary Purpose together, (so as to improve ourselves and each other at will) the course of history will be transformed for the better. In doing this we become active participants in Creation, not just creative persons. In such an undertaking, individual persons could be likened to atoms and communities to molecules, whereby the first cells, (cities) of a new human culture would find their highest expression. When our community is dedicated to the Cosmic Purpose, it then takes on much the same role as DNA does in the creation of new, fresh life for our kind, one which could replicate itself worldwide in a relatively short period of time. This truly revolutionary basis for living together could sweep real vision and wisdom into the stagnant pools of modern society. But to crystallize this ideal basis for community requires a great deal of intelligence, based upon knowledge of how the universe really is, not necessarily how we imagine or want it to be. To begin, we can use the principles of nature as a basic template. Then, through self realization of the consciousness we are, truly See how we can interact with each other as SOULS in a higher, superior way. This will be a way of interaction and understanding, that is far beyond what has ever before been known in the history of mankind. Let us keep ever in mind that there exists cosmic purposes far higher than those currently employed by mainstream society. It is to these we must strive, so as to create something truly great together. Through such a basic vision of ideal community as a starting point, this crystallization can then evolve further into a highly profound social movement the world over.

Friday, November 26, 2004


After eating my fill of thanksgiving pot roast,I feel thankfull for small things..Like getting my children back after 9 years of trying..I'm thankfull for every day I get to spend with them on this planet..I'm thankfull for becoming a grampa this year.I'm thankfull for every day I can get up and go to work still!..I'm thankfull for every step I take without the aid of a cane or crutches..I'm thankfull the thiefs left my guitars and computers and I can still relax with them..I'm thankfull for the 3 "a"'s and 1 "C" my daughter got on her report card.I'm thankfull this internet has allowed me to find people from my past and say hello to them ..I'm thankfull for all my friends online who care about me..I'm thankfull for beautiful sunsets..

Friday, November 19, 2004

True Love

My child it is your own lack of self love. You feel unworthy of the great love of the Creator and you reject the gifts your Creator is offering you. You have as much right to the love of the Creator as any other creature upon your planet, or any other. Trust in all that is happening. Know it is for good purpose. Nothing is for no reason. All things will be understood in the long term. The waiting and testing period is from whence your strength comes. This is indeed the time of greatest learning.

Find joy in each circumstance. Laugh and be happy despite your troubles. They will melt in the face of laughter. All things are healing. When you lift your vibrations to a heightened state through joy and laughter, you will no longer feel the pain. It will seem irrelevant. Love the being that is you. It has served you well. Take courage, be strong, and be of good cheer. Your heart will be fulfilled and all things will come to you. Lift up your eyes to the light. Love all beings and be happy. Our advice to you today is to love and be happy. We love you greatly.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Just One More

Just One More

Just one more thought
To get through the night
Just one more word
So I might get it right
Just one more turn
Before it gets old
Just one more tear
So you won’t seem so cold
It shall be untold

Just one more pause
To let the time heal
Just one more look
So I know you were real
Just one more touch
Before it turns grey
Just one more kiss
And I’ll go on my way
But we tried it but one before
Can we try just one more

©1994 Astral Plane

Sunday, November 14, 2004

Where the thinking path is exhausted
and the roots of life cease,
there the self becomes tranquil
and the time of life's fulfillment arrives.


Saturday, November 13, 2004

Nothing comes from Nothing

We are all made up of energy. That energy is from Source, or ultimate Intelligence. There had to be a Creator to create that energy. Nothing comes from nothing. Energy is created from mind, from thought. There has to be the thought first before physical matter comes into existence. Spirit is that energy. It is spirit that creates physical matter. We are not a physical body with a spirit. We are spiritual beings, and we created our physical bodies exactly as they are, through, and by, our very thoughts. The physical body is only important in that it is our vehicle to carry us through this life, in order to fulfill the purpose we came to accomplish.

Death of the physical body does not stop us learning the lessons we came to learn. Life is an ongoing adventure, each time continuing on through the cycles in an ever- expanding spiral. If only we could realise that we create our own circumstances in order to learn and to grow.

Friday, November 12, 2004

The Total amount of Happiness

The total amount of happiness
that exists in the world has come from
wanting to make others happy.

The total amount of suffering
that exists in the world has come from
wanting to make yourself happy.

What need is there for many words?

The children of the world
work for their own sake;
the Enlightened Ones do their labour
for the sake of others.

Come and see the difference.

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

The first thought is the best thought

The first thought is the best thought.
It is the second thought that taints it.

The first thought is like the camera
that snaps an objective picture of the landscape.
The second thought is
the photographer's unnecessary commentary
on the beauty or ugliness of the picture taken.

The landscape, your experiences,
are just as they are,
neither beautiful nor ugly.
It is our judgement based on attachment and aversion
that spoils every picture we see

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My mind

Words do not "transmit" it, but negatively they can show the way.

"What do you want to define as friendship?" It is the state previously illustrated in detail. It is the "transmission" of Zen. It is when each is "open" with the other. It is an approach of the One Self in each. It is a way to realization. It demands a certain discrimination & a certain culture. A trigger-happy "hood," a sadist, a chawbacon, a "fishwife," an autocratic boss, a proud intellectual, the Pope, --- all these can easily have a "mystic experience" or "cosmic consciousness" (even though they might call it "only subjective"), but not so easily the "awakening" experience which Jesus said is denied to them and reserved for simple people.

However, the attention one gets, needs to be far more individualized & personal because this is not "learning," it is partly a transmission through friendship or love.

My mind "contains" yours actually....

Monday, November 08, 2004

Obedience to the Nature of Things

Arrived at this degree of understanding, a snare awaits us. We run the risk of believing that we must refuse to give our attention to life....

We must proceed otherwise. At moments when outer and inner circumstances lend themselves to it we reflect upon the understanding of our spontaneous liberation, we think with force, and in the most concrete manner possible, of the unlimited prodigy which is in process of elaboration for us and which will some day resolve all our fears, all our covetousness. In such moments we seed and re-seed the field of our faith; we awaken little by little in ourselves this faith which was sleeping, and the hope and the love which accompany it. Then we turn back to living as usual. Because we have thought correctly for a moment a portion of our attention remains attached to this plane of thought, although this plane penetrates the depths of our being and is lost to sight.... In the measure in which this second subterranean attention develops we will perceive a less compelling interest in the world of phenomena; our fears and our covetousness will lose their keenness. We will be able to learn how to be discreet, non-active, towards our inner world and we will thus become able to realize this counsel of Zen: 'Let go, leave things as they may be...' Be obedient to the nature of things and you are in accord with the Way.

From Chapter 13, Obedience to the Nature of Things, in The Supreme Doctrine: Psychological Studies in ZEN Thought, by Hubert Benoit,

Sunday, November 07, 2004

Look without turning

Tread lightly upon this world,
for that is closer to the truth.
Our greatest works teeter on the edge of nothingness
from the moment of conception.
Explore within rather than build without,
stalking your prey silently.
It is there behind you --
look without turning your eyes --
within and behind.

Shawn Nevins

Wednesday, November 03, 2004


1] The existence of a Central Reality from which everything comes to which everything goes. This Central Reality is known by many names, Brahman, Shiva, Rama, Krishna, Jesus, and Allah---

2] All religion gives a call to transform or transcends through this Reality. This is known by various names, Moksha, Nirvana, salvation, birth in spirit and so on. All these religious systems are the product of the experience of the individuals who transcended the Central Reality.

3] All these philosophies tells us that this Central Reality can only be known by faith. It is beyond our mind and its grasp.

One must note two points here

1] Depending on the path one takes and how close one transcends the Central Reality, there are some qualitative differences in perception of the Central Reality. But the one who transcended the Central Reality stands out by his actions and is a source of force to lead more to the center. He is a source of order to humanity. Religion is not their creation. He turns out to be a messenger or Guru

2] The multitude of religion and sects is the product of the followers. Who were influenced by the teaching to form groups, but never once transcended the Central Reality. The difference between the first and the second is enormous. The former could be compared to one who lives in light, the other who lives in darkness. The knowledge source of the latter is the description given by the person residing in light. Most of us fall into the second category. We get trapped in the vortex of description created out of parts. It all amounts to one intelligent blind leading the other. Like a child whose desire for sweets is exploited to make him do things, most of the religious leaders handle human inherent desire to see light and kingdom of God, as a tool for their existence. They form a barrier between individuals and their realization of God. Unlike ancient Guru’s who lead their people to liberation and bring his unity with the whole, modern guru’s tend to form force of their own. Thus religion has become a tool for destruction in modern world.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Our true nature

Some modern psychologists have come to believe that we exist only in the mind, which must of course place all phenomena, material or abstract, as being mental phenomena. They must then take the next step, and admit that they are -- body and environment, and their individual mind as well -- a mental phenomena over which they have no control. Unless the dreamer would pretend to be consciously creating his dream. And of course, if we are all mental phenomena, we are extremely vain in legislating human conduct for our fellow-man.

We take another step and say that if we are nothing but mental phenomena, then there is no self, and consequently no immortality. And if neither of these hopes exists, then why should we confuse ourselves further with any study of the subject?

Of course the answer is that, as regards the self, our only true essence must be Real instead of illusory. This true Self is not the individual dream character that flits across the stage. It can find its real life only in the Light that is its source, absolutely.

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Our True Umbilical Cord

We like to think that we are the sum total of our thoughts, or our experiences. This is like saying that a dog is a composite of fleas, lice, ticks, intestinal worms, germs, and a final glorious heap of maggots. It is vain for us to claim to be that which happens to us, which we cannot control. And if you think that you are the one that is thinking, try to stop it. You will find that every thought is tied to another thought by an inexorable chain. This chain is the chain of reaction. It is basically rooted in the body, starting off as a baby, by the two catalysts, desire and curiosity.

Now you might at this point demand that we identify desire and curiosity as being implanted in us by a superior entity, which we might call God. It may well be that we are acted upon by other entities, but this interaction being other dimensional, appears to be divine. The proper definition for "other dimensions" is "other accepted world views" -- other than our own. And they may well emanate from the same Unmanifested Mind, and are so related to our world view.

Our true umbilical cord is toward the Absolute, beyond the womb-matrix of the Unmanifested Mind.

Saturday, October 30, 2004


In his essay The Mind, Rose wrote: "Our immortality is dependent not on our ability to extend our personal illusion indefinitely but to transcend it. Our immortality is dependent upon our becoming the Light, by identifying with that which is Real, and really is us and has been us all the time."

Friday, October 29, 2004

Duality of the Mind

There are three parties involved, rather than the usual two. There is the looker, or the person, and what is seen: the world, or outer environment. Together they make up our reactive pattern, the duality of the mind. The one referred to who 'notices' is something different. This noticing, or second Looker, sees the entire game, or mind realm, but is not affected by it. It has no active interest in the game, being passive, but notices the game entire. It is active only in its attention, not in its reaction. This Listening Attention sees both ways at once; outwardly towards the mind, and inwardly towards the Unknown. It forms a bridge, or gate, between the outer and Inner man. The angst that many feel, the undefined suffering of the average man, is due to this loss of connection with his Inner Self. How can we re-connect, open the Gateway to Within, and once more gain the Peace and Understanding of our Inner Self? First , we may need to remove any obstacles and mis-conceptions which block us and keep us from being able to listen to the voice within. Many Tricks and Traps can stop us, and we may doubt if it's a worthwhile endeavor, this stalking ourselves. We must connect with those who have been within and can point the way, and establish links to our fellow seekers and their experience.

Thursday, October 28, 2004

Franz Hartman

"The knowledge of God and the knowledge of man are ultimately identical, and he who knows himself knows God." - "True religion and true science are ultimately one and the same thing." - " Magic is a science which teaches the true nature of the inner man as well as the organization of his outward body."

Hartman knew that this magic was no parlour trick, and did not lead to the glorification of the ego as its end, but caused a becoming, a change in the man who practiced it that was not merely a change in behavior, thought, or belief. It was a complete transformation, brought about by the 'death' of the personal man, and the awakening of the divine, the Inner Self.

"Each one is bound to his own ideals; he whose ideal is mortal must die when his ideal dies, he whose ideal is immortal must become immortal himself to attain it." -
"God does not redeem the personal man by death. He redeems himself by freeing himself from the personality of man."

Hartmann never was one to follow convention, and traveled to wherever his work led him. His ideal was the Truth, and his struggle to become the Truth and communicate it defined his years, perhaps best expressed in his advice on how to enter the path to infinite life: To Know, To Will, To Dare, To Be Silent.

"The truth never changes; but we ourselves change, and as we change so changes our aspect of the truth."

- All quotes by Franz Hartmann -

Wednesday, October 27, 2004

A higher dimension

All of our reactions are caused by our past connection to something. If we live in the present, there is no guilt of the past, no fear for the future, there is just now! That is how this world will be in the days to come. We are coming into an Age when all will be now. So many people these days have 'instant amnesia'. They can't remember what they were going to do or say. They forget things that they did yesterday. The effect is throughout all generations. It is not just the old or middle-aged people who are having this problem. Even my young daughter is forgetting things that she never once would have forgotten. Our earth is moving into another dimension - literally! We are finding ourselves more and more, living only in the present. The past is slipping away, as memories are fading. We will have no need to carry extra baggage into the new Age. Our memories will be transmuted through love and will become part of our now. Because of the changes happening to us, we will be more open psychically to contacting those we have loved and lost through physical death. We will have moved our consciousness into a higher dimension.

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Group Mind

It is hereby proposed that a new era of progressive enlightenment for humanity, be mutually created. This goal is now being accelerated through the Global Group Mind Meditations. We are expanding each others’ consciousness, and at the same time, aiding the World Mind, (collective consciousness) of humanity. Spiritually minded individuals and groups the world over, are manifesting enlightening effects in every nation.For beginning yet in-depth information on Group Mind, read the Group Mind, (GM) series in the Library.We are in effect combining the resources of our consciousness. Our growing world group is Intending into place mutual love, clarity, greater energy, Divine connection and progressive levels of enlightenment. This is being done primarily through a recognition of the Natural Law known as; THE GROUP MIND PRINCIPLE;

Monday, October 25, 2004


The ground you fall uponis hard not to punish you.The ground that supports you,as you lift yourself upis hard not to help you.
The resistance in air is there not to slow down your flight.
The resistance in airis necessary for you to fly.
Nothing in nature is out to punish or help you.You decide what it does to you.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

The importance of Love

True, unconditional Love is love that accepts without question. It is love that allows. It does not criticize or judge, but continually loves without expecting anything in return. Imagine being accepted and loved by others just for being who we are, without any expectation in return. How many of us have wanted to be loved for just who we are? Love is the only thing we carry with us when we leave this plane of physical existence, because it is the creative energy of the Universe.

Peace is just around the corner

Take heart all who read. Peace is just around the corner. Those who are aware enough to understand these words will be the ones to be the leaders and the councillors in the days to come. Know that YOU are Divine Essence. You are LOVE. You are as much a part of God as anyone else. All have equal claim to that right.
Enlightenment comes through understanding. Enlightenment comes through non-judgement and unconditional Love. Enlightenment comes through "feeling the daily daggers of relentless steel and keeping on living". Enlightenment is raising our consciousness towards our Higher Self, or Greater Light. Enlightenment is reaching our arms out to our fellowman in compassion and concern. Enlightenment is expressing the living truth in each moment we walk the path of Light, in whatever our jobs are, or whatever course our lives take.

Saturday, October 23, 2004


Any desire that leads to undesirable effects or to more desires is undesirable.
The only desire that leads to the totally desirable, to the end of all desires, is the aspiration for Enlightenment.And even that has to be let go of in good time.

Karma and rebirth

Before we come into this physical dimension we were spirit. Our souls have always existed as part of the Creative force. They were from the beginning of the world, and will be still when the world has passed away. We are far more than our physical bodies!. We are told we have lived many, many lives, and each time we die in the physical sense, we are given an opportunity to view our past mistakes. We see what we failed to do, or how we may have hurt someone, or infringed on their free-will through trying to control them or bend them to our ways. Sometimes the omittance of doing something is the greater error. To make amends for these past 'mistakes' we are given an opportunity to be born into circumstances which allow us the chance to alleviate our 'wrongs' and so give our soul another chance to grow into its true oneness with itself. The circumstances we are born into, reflect the amount of learning we have completed in life.

Nothing by chance

If we take a look at nature we see the birth and death of the seasons, the birth of plantlife, its death, and then it springing back to life as each new season dawns. If we look at the trees and plants, for example, as each tree dies, a little seed falls, and in time, a new tree shoots up out of the fertile soil. Within each little seed is the making of a new plant, tree or flower. Evolution continues in nature, as indeed it does in the animal and human kingdom. Our souls are continually evolving, as surely as life continues in the great Universe. Each moment new planets are continually spinning, evolving, and being birthed. Nothing that exists came into being without purpose. Every experience in life has a continual spiral of purpose. We are told by spiritual philosophies that nothing happens by chance.

Friday, October 22, 2004

Rearranging of Thoughts

we can never return to our natural state of enlightenment by the rearranging of our thoughts: psychological mutation. We must actually change what we are, our basic identity, and thus leave thought aside. We return to our true state, that of seeing rather than thinking. But how? The trap is almost foolproof. Any effort on our part is just more thinking, an unreal self trying to catch it's tail, going ever faster until it flies up its own you know what. Some teachers tell us that earnestness is the key, that we must become so earnest in our search that we become a living vector towards truth. True, but definitely the exception to the rule. For most of us this lies farther down the road, and a little convincing might be in order first.

Now, if your goal is just to be a better person and get by as best you can, this all might not make sense, but if you've had the intuition that life, in thought alone, is a zero-sum game, let's take a look at the basis of our man's dilemma. He has, first off, become lost in thought, and secondly, believes that more thought will somehow release him. His ego has split itself into several objects. One is the judging, critical man who resolves to change, and dumps all problems on the heads of the others, including his false selves. These unlucky saps are the pairs of polar opposite selves, including the everyday man of action, whom he calls his 'false self', and its twin illusion, the 'real self' he aspires to, projected as innocent, perfect, and always just out of sight. The common ground of this menagerie is thought. All are patterns of thought. In any valid sentence structure we have a subject, an object, and a verb. It is the same in our man with one difference: he is lacking the verb, and changes from subject to object at the drop of a hat. The subject/object is the ego, or self, which splits and changes according to circumstance, and the missing verb is our basic seeing, the observer.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Saint Francis of Assisi

[Saint Francis of Assisi], who lived back in the 13th Century, said where there is hatred you have to send love; where there is doubt you have to send faith; where there is injury you have to send pardon... The answer to the problems we face personally and as a society is in being able to bring a higher, more loving, more spiritual energy to whatever it is we confront. When we do, slowly, inch-by-inch, we will become a better society, a better people, and a better world. And I think that is happening.Dr wyane dyer

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

The Power of Intention

Today was a day just like any other,well,besides the fact that I only got 2 hours sleep after arguing with a friend online,and eventually called her a bad name,which there is no excuse for.I should be able to hold my temper by now.So I felt bad and cried half the night wishing I had typed just 1 little word differently.They say crying is good for you..I dont know..maybe its just letting go.I felt so bad I even started crying at work.So in between tears I drove to macdonalds in this bad neighborhood I'm working in at the moment.So I get out of my truck and start walking in towards the mickey d's when this older black man in some scraggly clothes starts shouting at me from across the street that he wanted somethign incoherantly and I just ignored him and kept walkin right on inside,and this guy kept walking towards me and sat down at a table and was still muttering while I totally ignored him,although he had stopped begging after he got inside.As I waited for my meal,I noticed a small orental women trying to help him count out some change,which looked to be about 35 cents..As I got my food and walked past them both,they never asked for anything and I got to the door ,I set my bag of food down on the top of the trash box,and walked over to them and took out my wallet and asked the man "how much do you need?"and proceeded to set a couple of dollar bills in his hands and told him to get something to eat .Instantly his face lit up,and you could see the hope in his eyes again,and the lady started telling me what a good man I was,and how much they appreceated it,while she patted me on my back and smiled greatfully as I turned and smiled and nodded thanks to them also and walked out the door!They will never know how much they helped me change my day,and maybe my whole life..less than 2 hours later my phone started ringing with jobs people wanted me to do.I have made appoligys to my friend whom I hope can forgive me..

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Eye Symbology

Eye Symbology
The eye is a lens which allows us to see and become consciously aware of our experience in third dimension.
The eye has a pupil. We are pupils/students in a university experiencing through the lens of time - virtual reality.
The opening of the eye - is symbolic of a time of awakening - the evolution of consciousness -- the activation of your DNA = 11:11 digtal alarm going off in your brain. The opening of the eye - Iris - Isis - I - can be the physical eye or what is called the 'third eye' - which looks up and out - has a lens and is the pineal gland.
The camera slows down the action allowing us to experience events as linear in nature - when indeed they are not. Exploring in linear time allows us to experience emotions through an electromagnetic field - duality - polarity - love vs. fear. We see balance as we awaken and remember that we are souls sparks - the twinkling lights you see - who are in a physical form that is evolving back to its original creation. Pole Shifts
There is much symbology linked with the image of the 'eye' - all linking to the eye as a metaphor for the source of creation - God - Eye of God. The eye - as you know - is oval shaped.
Everything in our reality is created by the patterns of sacred geometry. We begin wth a sphere - the egg - female. The separation of the sphere - creates an oval opening - the vesica pisces - opening in the penis - shape of the eye. Sacred Geometry

The middle path

Treasure everything you have in the moment,because it is only here in the moment.
Be unattached to everything you have in the moment,because it is only here in the moment.
Balance these in the moment and you are on the Middle Path.

Monday, October 18, 2004

space needle cam

Come visit the great northwest.At least you wont get rained on here

Sunday, October 17, 2004

Zero Point

When the soul spark spirals into third dimension - the physical realms created by electromagnetic energy fieds - polarites - duality - is splits the half - twin aspects. Half remains above in higher frequency - and half moves into the physical to experience emotions and linear time. This is above and below. At the end of a cycle of time - the twin aspects merge back into one. This is the journey - the soul mate we seek - that which makes us feel completd. Our DNA genetic programming is set to remember our connection to this twin aspect - to see it as a soul connection to the original source and to seek balance and reunion at the end of this cycle called time. We spend our lives in the search/quest for our truths - who are we and why are we here. What does the feeling of belonging elsewhere mean? How do we get home?

Saturday, October 16, 2004

Man... does not know that there is in him something invisible which works in his favor in the dark. Identifying himself... with his imaginative mind, he does not think that he is anything more. Everything happens as though he said to himself: 'Who would work for me except myself?' And not seeing in himself any other self than his imaginative mind and the sentiments and actions which depend on it, he turns to this mind to rid himself of distress. When one only sees a single means of salvation, one believes in it because necessarily one wishes to believe in it. Benoit

Friday, October 15, 2004

Is There A Material Universe?

John said: "Master, is there any material universe?"Jesus answered: "No."John asked: "Is there a material body?"Jesus hesitated a long time and finally said: "Saints believed that their bodies were fashioned of clay and this believing brought them death."Jesus said: "Let not him who seeketh cease from seeking until he hath found:"... and when he hath found, he shall be amazed."... and when he hath been amazed, he shall reign."... and when he shall reign, he shall have rest."... the Kingdom of Heaven is within you and whoever shall know himself shall find it."... strive, therefore, to know yourselves and ye shall know that ye are in the City of God, and ye are the City."
This dialogue is translated from a manuscript in the British Museum. The manuscript, which was found in Oxyrynchus in Egypt on the back side of a land-surveyor list of measurements, is very old. It is in a case which is chained to a table. A British officer stands by it all the time. He allows anyone to copy it, but not to touch it.

Walking a road

People do not understand the knowledge that a realization of essence brings to the individual. I know little of the whys and therefores of this place. I do know what I am -- essentially. When all has fallen to dust, what was discovered will BE. Till then, I am walking a road.... Shawn nevins

wild divine
I want to try this game with all my biofeedback training I could go far!

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Where are you?

A Thought Experiment: Where Are You?Where are you? Most people say that they are behind the eyes. Blind people often feel themselves at their finger tips when reading Braille, or at the handle of their cane when walking. Sometimes people feel themselves at the edge of a car as they almost have an accident with a passing vehicle. But where are you? Plausibly, scientifically, you reside in your central nervous system, your brain. Electrodes attached to its different areas can stimulate various memories, feelings, and movements.The question remains, though. As part of a thought experiment originally proposed by Daniel Dennett, assume that your brain has been removed from your skull and placed in a vat of chemicals that nurture it. Your body has total, unimpaired ability to move about, although minus your brain. Instead, in your cranium is a transmitter that sends sights, sounds, touches, and scents, back to the brain. While your body roams freely, your brain remains in the vat, experiencing whatever the body encounters.Where would you locate yourself? Most people would say they would believe themselves not in the vat but wherever their body goes. They would still feel that they lived somewhere behind the eyes. Only a transmitter is located there.* So where, then, is the self, this seemingly basic element that everybody senses as present, and discusses as if it is real? What about all the words referring to it--I, you, him, or her? Apparently, because the self cannot be located, they belong to the metaphysics of grammar. (See The Metaphysics of Grammar, 17 January 2004.)

Self Discovery

What's behind the sense of "I am"? Who's living, and who's facing death? Who or what am I, essentially? Will some part of me continue on after death? Is there an unchanging, eternal part of me? Am I a part of some unchanging, eternal essence?
Throughout history occasional individuals have told of finding the answer to those questions, and their testimonies often have a surprising consistency. And as my friend and teacher Richard Rose wrote: "Beyond the mind is a golden find...." For individuals seeking to find the answer for themselves, those testimonies provide helpful clues for pursuing the search to a successful conclusion.
For some searchers, working by themselves is the preferred method. Others intuit that finding a few fellow seekers to work with may expedite their progress. Still more fortunate may be those who find a living person who has made the journey and can provide assistance from the perspective of that realization. The Self-Discovery site is designed to offer all three modes of help.

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

View a Chinese Temple
Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else.
You are the first to get burnt.And you might miss the person it was intended for.
If you hit him,he might hurl another piece at you,and it goes on endlessly.
What stupidity!

Grand Canyon Cam

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Waking up
The ascension realisation is about the upliftment of the
individual and the planet as a whole. The Earth requires to move to a new vibration, as does the human race. This new vibration is one of love. This love has no limits or no boundaries, it is unconditional love, it is given freely and accepted freely with no strings attached. What we find ourselves in at the moment is the transition period between two destinations. As said we are on the move to a new vibration but there is baggage in this present reality that is no longer useful in the new one we are creating hence we are letting go. The old ways are crumbling and the new is just finding its feet. The structures of power are changing. To the undeveloped eye it may seem that nothing is afoot yet the rumblings and quakes have already begun. The people and this Earth are truly operating as One being...we all take birth from the One source...there is no separation in the act of creation. As we transform our lives the Earth transforms hers and as she exorcises her ghosts she gives us the opportunity to do so also. The ascension is about taking your power back and using it for the good of the whole. We are connected to every intricate facet of each other whether we choose to accept it or not. Every action/reaction we make is linked to all of us in one way or another. As you learn to transform your old issues through love, you also give the ability to the world to transform that issue through love.


Since we're all unique we may all have differing interpretations of the term 'ascension', but the end destination is the same no matter which way you look at it. What follows is a brief introduction to the topic of 'ascension' and what it means to me.
ascend - to go or move up (a ladder, hill or slope).
If we apply this meaning to our own lives you may begin to see what is transpiring. Look at our world, can you see that great change is upon us? Certain aspects of ourselves don't work anymore, and each individual will have their own personal issues to identify and transform. It doesn't matter what the issue is, the fact is that change is we choose to ignore it and continue to feel uncomfortable in situations that no longer serve us? or do we choose to walk where we've not been thus inviting new aspects of ourselves back to ourselves? This is a 'freewill' Universe and so as always the decision lies with you.

Monday, October 11, 2004

The greatest Scam

The greatest scam was the love that you denied yourself when you forgot who you are. You travelled through your life believing you were alone. You prayed for deliverance from your own persecution. You attached worth and meaning to that which is transitory. You mistreated the Earth when the Earth didn’t mistreat you. Your powers were depleted because your awareness was stuck in limbo. You thought you had to work hard for your money when your money didn’t work hard for you.
You were lost....and now your found?
Now you take due care of where and who you give your energy to. Now you know your last name is Love and your first name is One. Now you realise your true possibilities. Now you reunite with old friends and will remember the memories. Your timing is to perfection. Your judgment resides in your heart, your heart connects you to creator, creator connects you to all. You shine because you are free, you are free because you shined. You followed the master down to the shore he told you... “YOU are the master!” and to follow no more. Now that you have your wings, do you still find yourself in a flap? or maybe you defied science and left the 3D trap. Many gifts now descend and have arrived at your feet. Your need will be to ground them, then you may taste their treats. Unified in consciousness as we always were. Unified in Love is how we’ll change the world. Your true hand is about to show. The world will know you for the good you do, not the good you could/would or should do. So this ‘scam’ it was a good caused us all to think, it told us we were separate as a way to make us link. Now I see that you remember as you love yourself to death, the scam is now but over....congratulations, you passed the test.

Old faithfull

check out this geyser cam
I got to watch Old Faithfull erupt today..was pretty cool!

Sunday, October 10, 2004

Changing Planet

There are indeed changes happening in your world which have greater ramifications. The weather is a sign of these changes. Mankind is being made aware of these changes through the pattern of your weather. The earth herself is being altered and man's conception of his home planet is about to change. There is naught to fear. All change is for a wider purpose. Be prepared to change self as these changes happen around you. All is in accord with Divine Law. The seasons are only one sign of the great shift which is to occur. Be prepared to accept whatever comes in each new day. The time for taking anything for granted is over. Each new moment has a different thing to offer you. Be prepared to accept each change as it occurs. There is nothing frightening or fearful in this - it is just different from what you may have anticipated in times past. You must realise that you cannot live in your past any more.

Only by going within and accepting what is in your now time will you find peace. Past and future will no longer have the hold over you that they once did. Live in the moment and be joy-filled. There is naught to fear. Be happy .

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Bridge of Love

There is a beautiful bridge
I hope to cross today.
There lays in wait serenity
Along its flourishing pathway.
A refreshing stream of care
Flows beneath its sturdy stones,
With flowering borders of hope
Releasing a scent of fresh perfume.
The bridge is named "love"
And in you I have found such.
You have helped to build this bridge
Which I cherish so very much.
Thanks for your loving ways
And being who you are to me.
by Annie Gerard © Copyright 1999

John Force Racing

ok, so I like racing.All forms.My 9th grade metal shop teacher built a rail dragster in 1971 and is currently Ashley Forces crew chief and owner of the mattel toy store dragster.It was the lucas oil dragster with Kenny Bernsteins kid Brandon driving it.Before that it was known as the inn and out dragster,with meline troxil driving it.and way before that,it was the tom and jerry dragster when I got to sit in it behind Gladstone High Schools metal shop where mr. darien built it.Believe it or not I still have the metal chisel Mr Darien taught us how to annel the steel and make it harder.Heres more about the dragsters current driver

Friday, October 08, 2004

metta loving kindness meditation

As a mother, at the risk of her life,Watches over her only child,Let him cherish an unbounded mindFor all living beings.Let him have love for the whole world,And develop an unbounded mind,Above, below and all around,Boundless heart of goodwill, free of hatred, Standing, walking, sitting or lying down,So long as he be awake,Let him cherish this thought,This is called divine abiding here.


When we begin questioning about our existence,perhaps the question to begin with is -"Do we exist at all in the first place?"
Our existential crisis, or suffering from not understanding our existence,begins from grasping to the illusion that we exist.
What are we... but a collection of shifting feelings, perceptions, mental formations and a body of constantly changing elements?
If there is no real self, who is the questioner?


Fear is our constant companion
Never releasing it's grip
Unless a price is paid
Proving it's all just a trip
I wonder if we would be so cold
If we knew in the end
That the pain that we carry
Is the love we withhold!
Scott A. Taylor
Copyright ©2004 Scott Taylor

Thursday, October 07, 2004

heres a tripper

OUR INTERDIMENSIONAL BROTHERSThe fact that we have space brothers out there may be the one thing which many will find so very hard to accept. Surely man, in his ignorance, cannot really believe we are the only intelligent life form in the whole of the universe? We have been seeded, watched, and guided by our space brothers from the beginning of the earth's formation!
There has, however, never been a time in earth's history, when the interest in our little planet has been so great from an intergalactic point of view. Because of the forthcoming events happening on this planet, there is much interest in the happenings from many other intelligences. We most certainly ARE NOT ALONE!

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Four hundred years ago this week, a previously unseen star suddenly appeared in the night sky. Discovered on Oct. 9, 1604, it was brighter than all other stars.
The German astronomer Johannes Kepler studied the star for a year, and wrote a book about it titled "De Stella Nova" ("The New Star"). In the 1940s scientists realized the object was an exploded star, and they called it Kepler's supernova.
No supernova in our galaxy has been discovered since the 1604 event.

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

The Astral Plane
Check out Joe renzettis music and visions

Flying Free
Can you feel the sun
Feel it beat down on your face
If you got some time
We can leave this world without a trace
At our own pace
Feeling like a newborn child
Just cut the chains of routine
Look my way and I’ll show you how to fly
If you hunger for new freedom
Wanna breed a new season
Leave away your self-tragedy
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel your soul climb
Climbing through the misty moonlight
Reaching a new high
Viewing the world from a whole new sight
Such a delicate fright
Swinging from the edge of irony
Break off from the blind herd
Tough a nerve and you’ll never have to die
So you hunger for new freedom
Wanna live for a new reason
Forget the burned self-imagery
We’re gonna be flying
Gonna be flying free
Can you feel the need
The need for a sense of knowing
Is it fantasy
Or will the hope just come flowing
Ever so glowing
Soaring through the sounds of yearning
No longer bound by common rule
We are free and we know how to fly
So you hunger for new freedom
Had to end your mind’s treason
Look around you can you see
For we are now flying
We are now flying free

Monday, October 04, 2004

Are you ready for some football?

the chefs against the ravens tonight.I'll take 5 bucks on the ravens!

crop circles and sacred geometry

Our experience and our reaction to all things beautiful is made possible by our unique ability to subconsciously recognize geometric order from transitory chaos. At this level, the perfection inherent in a Greek temple or a painting by Da Vinci is not simply because it is made of a particular material or hue but because the harmonic proportions contained in their design are bound by the laws of sacred geometry, which is itself the embodiment of harmonic waves of energy, melody and universal proportion. What our senses respond to is the geometrical and proportional harmonies and wave forms created through the application of sacred geometry.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Saturday, October 02, 2004

I pulled this one outta my online bookmarks folder

My only question is can you wash dishes with it?

Everything you ever wanted to know about Krispy Kreme donuts

check out the marketing stratigies with the Hot donuts now sign

The research proposal begins with an overview of Krispy Kreme’s functioning industries as well as current trends within them. The document progresses by describing the corporate structure of Krispy Kreme, specifically outlining company values and philosophies. To help develop the research, various store formats are discussed, followed by an in-depth analysis of Krispy Kreme’s financial situation. The following pages also place Krispy Kreme in the context of today’s market and illustrate the brand image and different products. The document attempts to combine research, analysis and recommendations to determine if a so called cold doughnut will allow Krispy Kreme to expand globally.

go play a game

Thursday, September 30, 2004

Do you see 11:11 everywhere?

God knows I do and have since bout 1981..An ex fiancee who shall remain nameless told me she saw 11:11 and 1:11 everywhere. I guess its a club,we are not alone,or crazy,its a wake up call your soul left you and your supposed to be gently reminded by seeing this.I dunno,there are a few of these links out there to study
At first, it seems like a mere coincidence; then it becomes uncanny. "I started up my car at exactly 11:11." "Why do I always wake up at 11:11?"
Finally, it becomes undeniable: "All my clocks froze at 11:11." Solara has emailed me back with encourging words and to please buy her book..Somebody buy her book and tell me what is up!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

The Emerald Tablets

List ye, O man, drink of my wisdom. Learn ye the secret that is Master of Time. Learn ye how those ye call Masters are able to remember the lives of the past. Great is the secret yet easy to master, giving to thee the mastery of time. When upon thee death fast approaches, fear not but know ye are master of Death. Relax thy body, resist not with tension. Place in thy heart the flame of thy Soul. Swiftly then sweep it to the seat of the triangle. Hold for a moment, then move to the goal. This, thy goal, is the place between thine eyebrows, the place where the memory of life must hold sway. Hold thou thy flame here in thy brain-seat until the fingers of Death grasp thy Soul. Then as thou pass through the state of transition, surely the memories of life shall pass, too. Then shalt the past be as one with the present. Then shall the memory of all be retained. Free shalt thou be from all retrogression. The things of the past shall live in today.

Check out these blogs Sarmad has a winner with that site..Paul Edwards will dazzel you with his anti subjugators!

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

The best artist online

Well.thats subjective..but tell me what you think about his sacred mirrors

Monday, September 27, 2004

tonights game Cowboys against the redskins

Who cares?ok,so Im not a Dallas or Washington fan.I do like Bill Parcells,the coach of Dallas.And I dont like Tony Stewert,who drives the home depot number 20 nascar,which is owned and operated by Joe Gibbs,also the head coach of Washington.For those not interested in football,go blow your mind here

my other blogsite

So what?

First things first.This blog is dedicated to giving back all the knowledge I have aquired from 7 years on the internet.The monitor you are looking into is actually a portal to the past,present,and future.I have been called a human search engine simply because I understand how to word my search,and know what is online and what isnt yet!My goal is to handoff alot of my old links to new netsurfers,and maybe a few old ones.To start off right,heres a crazy austrailian link that is just for humor.After all,laughter is gods music!