Sunday, October 24, 2004

Peace is just around the corner

Take heart all who read. Peace is just around the corner. Those who are aware enough to understand these words will be the ones to be the leaders and the councillors in the days to come. Know that YOU are Divine Essence. You are LOVE. You are as much a part of God as anyone else. All have equal claim to that right.
Enlightenment comes through understanding. Enlightenment comes through non-judgement and unconditional Love. Enlightenment comes through "feeling the daily daggers of relentless steel and keeping on living". Enlightenment is raising our consciousness towards our Higher Self, or Greater Light. Enlightenment is reaching our arms out to our fellowman in compassion and concern. Enlightenment is expressing the living truth in each moment we walk the path of Light, in whatever our jobs are, or whatever course our lives take.

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